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2015 –至今,手机版沙巴体育平台,高分子材料与工程教研室主任。

2014 – 2015[日本]分子工学研究所(MEI),博士后

2013 – 2014[日本]筑波大学,数理物质系,博士后

2010 – 2013[日本]筑波大学,物性与分子工学专业,博士

2005 – 2008,重庆大学,高分子化学与物理专业,硕士

2000 – 2004,湘潭大学,高分子材料与工程专业,本科



(1) 新型能源材料的研发。(2) 新型环境友好聚合反应的开发。

为全球率先提出和成功进行C-H键直接芳基化缩聚反应的少数几个研究者之一。近年在Macromolecules、Polym. Chem.、ACS Macro Lett.、Macromol. Rapid Commun.、Adv. Funct. Mater.及J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.等国际期刊上发表SCI、EI论文15篇,其中多篇第一作者文章被作为杂志的“封面页”、“年度十佳论文”或“最被广泛阅读的文章”重点报道,他引次数超过216次。主持国家级科研项目1项(在研),主持并完成国外科研项目1项与国内高校科研项目1项,获日本高分子学会奖励1项,申请及授权日本专利1项。


1)  Wei Lu, Junpei Kuwabara, Takaki Kanbara, Polycondensation of Dibromofluorene Analogues with Tetrafluorobenzene via Direct Arylation,Macromolecules, 2011, 44, 1252-1255. (IF: 5.5)  

2)  Wei Lu, Junpei Kuwabara, Takayuki Iijima, Hideyuki Higashimura, Hideki Hayashi, Takaki Kanbara, Synthesis of π-Conjugated Polymers Containing Fluorinated Arylene Units via Direct Arylation: Efficient Synthetic Method of Materials for OLEDs,Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 4128-4133. (IF: 5.5)(Highlighted in the most read articles of Macromolecules)  

3)  Wei Lu, Junpei Kuwabara, Takaki Kanbara, Synthesis of 4,4′-Dinonyl-2,2′-bithiazole-based Copolymers via Pd-Catalyzed Direct CH Arylation,Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 3, 3217-3219. (IF: 5.2)  

4)  Wei Lu, Junpei Kuwabara, Takaki Kanbara, Synthesis of π-Conjugated Polymer Consisting of Pyrrole and Fluorene Units by Ru-Catalyzed Site-Selective Direct Arylation Polycondensation,Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2013, 34, 1151-1156. (IF: 4.9)(Highlighted in the “Best of Macromolecular Journals 2013”(Wiley-VCH)) 

5 Wei Lu, Junpei Kuwabara, Masahiro Kuramochi, Takaki, Kanbara, Synthesis of bithiazole-based crystalline polymers via Pd-Catalyzed Direct CH Arylation, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 2015, 53, 1396–1402. (IF: 3.2)(Cover Image of the journal)  

(6) Masahiro Kuramochi, Junpei Kuwabara, Wei Lu, Takaki Kanbara. Direct arylation polycondensation of bithiazole derivatives with various acceptors, Macromolecules, 2014, 47(21), 7378–7385.(IF: 5.5)    

(7) Junpei Kuwabara, Yuta Nohara, Seong Jib Choi, Yohei Fujinami, Wei Lu, Ken Yoshimura, Jun Oguma, Katsuhiro Suenobu, Takaki Kanbara. Direct arylation polycondensation for the synthesis of bithiophene-based alternating copolymers, Polym. Chem.,2013, 4(4), 947–953. (IF: 5.2)    

(8) Yohei Fujinami, Junpei Kuwabara, Wei Lu, Hideki Hayashi, Takaki Kanbara. Synthesis of thiophene- and bithiophene-based alternating copolymers via Pd-catalyzed direct C-H arylation, ACS Macro Lett.,2012, 1(1), 67–70. (IF: 5.2) (Highlighted in the most read articles of ACS Macro Letters)    

(9) Li Ma, Wei Lu, Ke-long Huang, Meng-yu Gan, Chao Chen, Jun Yan. Analysis and characterization of microscopic morphology and orientation structure of polyaniline polymerized in a constant magnetic field, Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2009, 27(4), 487–492. (IF: 1.4)    

(10) Li Ma, Wei Lu, Meng-Yu Gan, Chao Chen, Jun Yan, Feng-Qiang Chen. Effect of a constant magnetic field (0.4 T) on orientation microstructure of polyaniline, Acta Chim. Sin., 2008, 66(10), 1259–1264. (IF: 0.9)    

(11) Li Ma, Wei Lu, Mengyu Gan, Chao Chen, Jun Yan, Fengqiang Chen. Studies on redox behavior of doped polyaniline in m-cresol solutions, Acta Polym. Sin., 2008, (12), 1185–1191. (IF: 1.0)    

(12) Li Ma, Ke-long Huang, Chao Chen, Meng-yu Gan, Wei Lu, Feng-qiang Chen. Effect of magnetic field on property and structure of polyaniline doped with multiple sulfonic acids, J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. Eng. Ed., 2008, 15(4), 479–483. (IF: 0.5)    

(13) Takaki Kanbara, Junpei Kuwabara, Wei Lu. Ru-catalyzed site-selective direct arylation polycondensation via ortho-metalation of pyrrole derivative, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 2014, 54, 012012/1–9.  

(14) Junpei Kuwabara, Takeshi Yasuda, Seong Jib Choi, Wei Lu, Koutarou Yamazaki, Shigehiro Kagaya, Liyuan Han, Takaki Kanbara. Direct arylation polycondensation: apromising method for the synthesis of highly pure, high-molecular-weight conjugated polymers needed for improving the performance of organic photovoltaics, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2014, 24(21), 3226–3233.(IF: 10.4)  

(15) Li Ma, Chao Chen, Ke-Long Huang, Wei Lu, Feng-Qiang Chen. Effect of a magnetic field on structure, doping characteristics and stability of polyaniline, Gongneng Cailiao, 2007, 38(9), 1434–1436. (IF: 0.6)  

日本专利:桑原纯平, 神原贵树, 卢苇, 饭岛孝幸, 东村秀之.  “发光素子”,  日本, P2013-135148A, 2013.7.8.